L5M1 | L5M2 | L5M3 | L5M4 | L5M5 | L5M6 | L5M7 | L5M8 | L5M9| L5M10 | L5M15 L5M1、2、3、4、5为必修;L6、7、8、9、10、15六选三;
Managing Teams
and Individuals (L5M1)
1.0 Understand, analyse and
apply management and organisational approaches
- 人员与技能
- 组织中的后现代主义
- 组织行为学
- 采购团队
2.0 Understand and apply approaches to
managing individuals involved in the procurement and supply function
3.0 Understand and apply
approaches to managing work groups or teams involved in the procurement and
supply function
3.0 理解并应用管理采购与供应职能内的工作小组或团队
4.0 Understand and apply
planning approaches for aspects of human resource management for the
procurement and supply function
5.0 Understand the
application of the individual capabilities required to manage the procurement
and supply function
5.0 理解与应用管理采购与供应职能需要的个人能力
Managing Supply
Chain Risk (L5M2)
1.0 Understand the nature of
risk affecting supply chains
2.0 Understand processes in
managing risk in supply chains
3.0 Understand risk
mitigation strategies in supply chains
Contractual Risk (L5M3)
1.0 Understand the legal and
process issues relating to the formation of contracts
2.0 Understand the impacts of
breach of contract and coping strategies and provisions that are available
2.0 理解合同终止及已提供(产品或服务)处理策略
3.0 Understand the legal
implications of contractual non-conformance in procurement and supply
Contract and Financial Management (L5M4)
1.0 Understand and apply tools and
techniques that can be used to measure and develop contract performance in
procurement and supply
1.0 理解与应用可用于策略与开发采购与供应合同绩效的工具与技术
2.0 Understand and apply the
concept of strategic sourcing
- 战略寻源
- 寻源相关的市场选项
- 产能与能力
- 品类管理
- 品类管理模型
3.0 Understand and apply
financial techniques that affect supply chains
4.0 Analyse and apply financial
and p, er, formance measure that can affect the supply chain
Managing Ethical
Procurement and Supply (L5M5)
1.0 Understand the impact of
ethics and sustainability in supply chains
- 道德与可持续性
- 现代奴隶制度
- 企业社会责任政策
- 供应商多样性
2.0 Understand the importance
of compliance with standards to achieve ethical and sustainable supply chains
- 采购行为准则
- 低成本国家寻源
- CSR – 企业社会责任政策
3.0 Understand initiatives
and standards to improve ethical and sustainable practices in procurement and
3.0 理解采购与供应提升道德与可持续性实践的初衷与标准
- 多样性与包容性
- 管理供应商绩效
- 勤勉采购行为
- 公平贸易协会
- 供应商多样性
Management (L5M6)
1.0 Understand approaches
that can be used to develop category management strategies
2.0 Understand the concepts,
tools and techniques associated with managing expenditure
3.0 Understand the strategic
impact of a category management process
- 品类管理流程
- CSR政策
- 市场分析
- 品类管理
- 品类管理模型
Competitive Advantage through the Supply Chain (L5M7)
1.0 Understand the dynamics
of supply chains
2.0 Understand improvement
methodologies that can be used in supply chains
3.0 Understand measures
required to achieve competitive advantage in supply chains
Project and
Change Management (L5M8)
1.0 Understand aspects of
projects in organisations
2.0 Understand the concept of
organisational change and how it can be achieved
- 组织变革
- 变革与变化
- 变革周期
- 采购变革管理
- 利益相关者
3.0 Understand approaches to
the planning and management of projects and change initiatives
Management (L5M9)
1.0 Understand the concept
and scope of operations management
2.0 Understand improvement
methodologies that can be applied in operations management
- 标杆管理
- TQM – 全员质量管理
- 持续改善
- 防错防呆技术
Management (L5M10)
1.0 Understand the concept of
logistics management
2.0 Understand capacity
planning and control in logistics management
Negotiation (L5M15)
1.0 Understand the key stages
which impact on the negotiation process and outcomes
- 谈判
- 谈判的风格
- 谈判技术
- 囚徒困境游戏
- 市场情报
2.0 Understand negotiation
relationships and ethics
3.0 Understand methods and
behavioural factors which can influence others
当今的企业参与竞争依靠的是供应链,运作管理是供应链管理的重中之重。从供应链系统运作管理的角度出发,提出了一个包括战略层、战术层和执行层在内的供应链运作管理的解决思路.这一解决思路把委托实现的合作伙伴选择决策、供应链系统运作计划决策及供应链的执行信息管理及发展集成起来,给出了相应的结构模型及功能分析,其思想和相关论点对提高供应链运行绩效有很高的参考价值,同时该课程提出了当今非常新的供应链运作管理的概念与观点, 如:产品与服务的运作与设计的区别, 运作网络, QFD、OPT、LSS等, 是企业中高层供应链与运作管理人员更新知识结构, 应用新知识解决实际运作问题的最好助力!
本课程的特色与目标: There is no way you can succeed in business by playing safe. It’s always less risky to take risks. Modern companies are competing in the fierce environment via their supply chain. There’s no risks, there’s no rewards. The topic of how to manage the risks & supply chain vulnerability to ensure your companies can take least risks to survive & achieve the desired goal has brought us the big challenge in today’s supply chain operations management.
学习完本课程后你可以从战略的高度与运作及项目管理的深度去定义与发现各种潜在的风险,探索各种减少、转移或消除风险的方式与方法,在企业的各个职能部门特别是财务、人事、运作与供应链领域有效地发挥风险管理的作用,以有效控制与消除潜在风险的影响, 主导企业制订DRP(Disaster Recovery Plan – 灾难恢复计划), BCP(Business Continuity Plan – 业务持续计划 ),以便企业做好抵御各种灾难与风险的准备,并在灾难与风险发生时各个相关部门第一时间做出反应,确保企业系统与流程的最快恢复,对业务的持续运行提供有力的保障!
本课程的特色与目标: 供应链管理是对从供应商的供应商—〉供应商—〉制造商—〉分销商—〉零售商—〉客户这整条链的管理,它包括了对正向与反向流动的物流、信息流与资金流的管理与控制。建立供应链的基础架构,加强对供应商的管理与合作,将原来的与供应商的对立关系转化为合作伙伴、战略联盟甚至是同呼吸共命运的关系,供应商的支持与配合以及整体技术与信息系统架构的建立对供应链的整体运作都尤为重要。管理与减除供应链运作成本,发现与提升供应链价值,打造一条低运营成本、架构完善的急速供应链是对当今企业供应链管理人士的最新要求与挑战!
On completion of this unit,candidates will be able to develop plans to improve competitiveness by the application of systematic approaches to the management of both direct and indirect organizational respobsibilities.
This unit focuses on differing approaches or methodologies for strategic soucing and category management,demonstrating the role of the procurement and supply chain specialist in leading these approaches.