L6M1 | L6M2 | L6M3 | L6M4 | L6M5 | L6M7 | L6M8 | L6M9 | L6M10 Strategic Ethical Leadership战略道德领导力(L6M1) |
1.0 Understand and apply leadership skills and behaviours that are appropriate for strategically improving the procurement and supply chain function 1.0 理解并应用适合提升采购与供应链战略职能的领导力技能与行为 2.0 Understand and apply communication planning techniques and analyse their influence on individuals involved in the supply chain 2.0 理解并应用沟通计划并分析对供应链中个人的影响 3.0 Understand and apply methods to overcome leadership challenges faced by procurement and supply chain managers 3.0 理解并应用采购与供应链经理工作中战胜领导力挑战的方法 4.0 Understand and apply tools and techniques to lead strategic change in the supply chain 4.0 理解并应用在供应链中引领战略变革的工具与技术 - 变革管理
- 冲突管理
- 正式与非正式组织
- 合乎道德的采购与供应
5.0 Understand and apply ethical practices, standards and regulations that impact on the procurement and supply function 5.0 理解并应用影响采购与供应职能的道德实践、标准与法规 Global Commercial Strategy (L6M2) 全球商业战略 |
1.0 Understand and apply the concept of commercial global strategy in organisations 2.0 Understand and apply tools and techniques to address the challenges of global supply chains - 分析宏观经济因素
- 采购战略
- 战略与运营管理
- 公平性
- 品类管理
- 采购战略
3.0 Understand strategy formulation and implementation 4.0 Understand the implementation of strategies in supply chains 5.0 Understand financial aspects that affect procurement and supply 5.0 理解影响采购与供应的财务方面的要素 Global Strategic Supply Chain Management (L6M3) 全球战略供应链管理 |
1.0 Understand how strategic supply chain management can support corporate business strategy 2.0 Understand and apply supply chain design tools and techniques 3.0 Understand and apply techniques to achieve effective strategic supply chain management 4.0 Understand and apply methods to measure, improve and optimise supply chain performance 4.0 理解并应用测量、提高与优化供应链绩效的方法 - 对标
- 采购技术
- CPFR – 合作性的计划、预测、补货系统
- SCM – 供应链管理
5.0 Understand how an organisation achieves strategic fit between supply chain and competitive strategies 5.0 理解组织如何实现竞争战略与供应链间的战略匹配? Future Strategic Challenges for the Profession (L6M4) 将来职业的战略挑战 |
1.0 Understand the changing needs and requirements for procurement and supply - 将来的采购行业
- 将来的供应链管理行业
- 采购行业如何变革
2.0 Understand the future challenges for the procurement and supply profession Strategic Programme Leadership (L6M5) 战略项目领导力 |
1.0 Understand contracting for programmes 2.0 Understand programme leadership approaches - 甘特图
- 预算的几种形式
- 开放账户成本法
- 项目与项目集管理
3.0 Understand the role of culture on achieving programme success Commercial Data Management (L6M7) 商业数据管理 |
1.0 Understand the concept of big data in the global supply chain - 大数据
- 三个Vs(?)的关系
- 商业情报
- 数据分析与商业情报
2.0 Understand data integrity and its impact on procurement and supply - GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation 通用数据保护条例
- 知识产权
- 安全系统规范
- 数据分析与商业情报
3.0 Understand the impact of cyber security on procurement and supply Innovation in Procurement and Supply (L6M8) 采购与供应创新 |
1.0 Understand techniques for supplier development - ESI – 供应商早期参与
- 合作
- 电子采购
- 平衡记分卡
- SRM – 供应商关系管理
2.0 Understand methods to achieve procurement and supply improvement and innovation 3.0 Understand the environmental factors which affect supply chain improvement and innovation 3.0 理解影响供应链提升与创新的环境因素 - 可持续性的采购标准
- 可持续性的采购
- 供应商多样性
- 价值发掘
Supply Network Design (L6M9) 供应网络设计 |
1.0 Understand the strategic nature and influence of supply network design 2.0 Understand operations strategy and its contribution to overall business success 3.0 Assess the strategic value of resource planning and control Global Logistics Strategy (L6M10) 全球物流战略 |
1.0 Understand the strategic logistical implicat, ions of globalisation 2.0 Understand global governance of the supply chain 3.0 Understand the concept of reverse logistics and its impact on global logistics strategy 3.0 理解逆向物流的概念及其对全球物流战略的影响